Registration Process
Registration of a Company
In order to register a Company, you need to register the Company at CIPC. The process is relatively straight forward:
- Reserve your Company name
- Complete the required details for the Company registration: (details of shareholders, details of directors and registered address of the company)
- Sign the necessary form from CIPC
- You will then be issued with your Company registration documents (including the standard Memorandum of Incorporation)
- The Shareholders who incorporated the Company will be identified as the Shareholders or incorporators in the MOI
- The Shareholders are entitled to receive their share certificates, evidencing the shares held by them and have their names entered into the share register
- If there is more than 1 Shareholder, a Shareholders Agreement should be entered into
- Register for tax
- Open a Bank account
Cost: R1500 (we include registration, as well as Income Tax registration and BEE certificate)
On incorporation, CIPC issues the company with a standard Memorandum of Incorporation. The MOI identifies the first shareholders and appointed directors, as well as the basic requirements of a Company, as per the companies Act
If the company has more than 1 Shareholder, it is advised that the shareholders enter into a shareholders agreement.
The MOI is a public document and regulates public matters as regulated by the Companies Act eg the right of shareholder to vote (which is required in terms of the Companies Act)
A shareholders agreement on the other hand is a private document and will regulate matters such as funding of the company, the rights of shareholders to receive profit (the amount), breach and disputes
- Completion of our form and mandate
- Certified copies of directors Identification documents
- Payment
If we have received payment and the required documents (completion of our form and copies of Identification documents), usually within 24-48 hours
Our Fee is R1500
- Standard Memorandum of Incorporation
- Company Registration
- Share Certificates
- BEE Certificate
- Income Tax Registration
- Free 30 minutes consultation for legal advise in setting up your business
A Company can only be terminated by deregistration or liquidation. Which must also be approved at CIPC